Monday, August 01, 2011

ASU hosts PASUC confab on vertical articulation, financial mgt

By Sally Villasis

Regional Applied Communications Representative

Aklan State University

On July 11–13, 20011, the Aklan State University (ASU) hosted the Training Workshop on Vertical Articulation of General Education and Degree-Granting Units in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and on Financial Management Phase II: Financial Reporting Using Microsoft (MS) Excel Pivot Table in SUCs spearheaded by the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) Region VI at the ASU Review Center in Banga, Aklan. The ASU batch is the second conducted by PASUC following the first one held at the Benguet State University recently.

According to ASU President Danilo E. Abayon, lead convener, three model SUCs were tasked to share significant input for other participants to strengthen their respective institutions.

Dr. Benny A. Palma, president of PASUC VI and acting president of the Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC), said that the workshop was conceptualized following the low results in the Normative Funding (NF). According to Palma, NF was less understood since until 2009, some 85% of the SUCs obtained low results.

To address the problem, presidents of 11 SUCs from Western Visayas who are members of the PASUC VI, discussed the matter and came up with several innovations. These included the uniform utilization of income, capability building of SUCs and use of systematized computer programs for financial transactions.

Palma said these innovations made by PASUC VI were also adopted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Palma said that very few SUCs have implemented vertical articulation, which is why “problems in the higher education keep on recurring like a nightmare." As per the CHED’s policy on vertical articulation, faculty of SUCs must be given loads based on their respective fields of specialization.

Considering that the two-year additional basic education program of DepEd might leave a two-year tertiary education once it’s in full swing, Palma said that SUC presidents across the country are negotiating with the Washington Accord to improve the curriculum.

In response to the future changes in the country’s educational milieu, the vertical articulation may provide an alternative solution. First, it will provide uniform formats across all degree-granting units in all campuses. Second, faculty members can share their specialization from undergraduate to master’s degree to doctoral degrees. Last, the college dean will have the competence to run the program from undergraduate to doctoral degrees. Palma also encouraged the participants to design their programs according to vertical articulation owing to the benefits and outputs expected from them.

The PASUC VI conference was attended by a number of SUC presidents in the country including Dr. Editha Magallanes of the Capiz State University; Dr. Victor Navarra of the University of Antique; Dr. Rogelio Artajo of the Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology; Dr. Divinia Chavez of the Cavite State University; and Dr. Mariano de Jesus of the Bulacan State University.

Resource persons lectured on organizational structure, organizational communication, the ASU Model of College of Teacher Education Verticalization, and the West Visayas State University (WVSU) Model on Articulation and Implementation of CHED Verticalization Program in General Education and Degree-Granting Units and Campuses. Moreover, the CHMSC shared its experience on the implementation of vertical articulation in a state college while ASU shared its own on vertical integration of the general education curriculum.

Then, to maximize the use of computer program for financial transactions in SUCs, PASUC VI has devised the Microsoft (MS) Excel Pivot Table in SUCs. Said computer program will hasten the work in financial reporting because data is summarized, revealed, compare and analyze data and turn data into information.

Some 40 finance officers from SUCs across the country learned the advanced features of MS Excel and Pivot hands-on workshop under Ms. Jasmin L. Vargas, chief administrative officer of the finance division of the West Visayas State University.

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